Monday, July 22, 2013

July 22, 2013

As the month of July passes, the energy is rising, changing and transforming all of us. Happy are those who can accept change with a welcoming embrace! Some of the symptoms of the cellular upgrading/change we are ALL going through are:

  1. feeling overwhelmed
  2. feeling panic
  3. fatigue 
  4. symmetrical headaches
  5. waking up and not knowing where you are
  6. waking up and feeling like you are re-entering the world for the first time
  7. waking up and feeling like you and your physical body are very separate things
  8. waking up and feeling that you are not sure what to do first- priorities are changing
  9. blurry vision
  10. seeing energetically- pinks, light blues, light greens
  11. waking up at night and seeing maypoles turning in your room in the dark, with an angelic feel to it.
  12. forgetting things you never used to forget.
  13. having to write the most minute telephone number down in order to remember it.
  14. random pains and tingles in body
  15. ability to feel great serenity and peace at times, almost inexplicably.
Things that you can do to help these symptoms are:
  1. BREATHE - take long deep breaths and return to check you are breathing deeply as many times as you need to during the day. Breath is one easy way of connecting to your self deeply along with feeling part of the universe around you. Breath balances and grounds us.
  2. Meditate - Help yourself along in the updating process by imagining light coming to all of your cells, and blessing you with a newness, a power.
  3. Reverse negative thoughts to positive ones.
  4. Drink enough water and get enough rest.
  5. Allow God in.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Upcoming Events with June Can Channel


All events will be start at 7:00 pm and will run for approximately 2.5 hours. Price: $20.00 per event. Thank you and hope to see you soon!  All Best! June


May 10th: Meditation Workshop for Healing

·         In this workshop we will go through three meditations, each aimed at healing and re-balancing. Come to decompress and those who want to send healing into the world. 


May 17th: Cleansing Our Space

·         As we become more aware of the energetic worlds, it is good to know how to cleanse our personal space and how to charge it with uplifting  energy. In this workshop we will learn different ways to cleanse our space, which will enhance our well-being in our homes. Becoming aware of the environment in our homes, will allow us to upgrade and charge our spaces with the energies we wish to live with!


May 24th: The Magic of Pendulums

·         Pendulums are tools of divination and healing. Learn how to choose, charge, and use your own personal pendulum. Participants can also bring their own pendulums if they have one already. By the end of the workshop you will have experienced how the movements of your pendulum answer your questions, and you will also know how to use it on loved ones in healing. 


May 31st: The Secrets of Color

·         Learn how to use color to heal, enhance and define your environment. Every color has a different energy and influence on us. Come and learn about the power of color! 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Here is the group channeling on Relationships: Quite helpful, enjoy!

Upcoming Events with June Can Channel


The Jewel in the Woods: 37 Jennifer Road

Hamden CT



March – April 2013


Friday March 8th

7:30 – 10:00 pm. June will channel on the following subject:

The Children of Today: Who are they? What are their needs?


The children being born today are inquisitive brave souls searching to come back to Earth to help in the huge change going on. How do we, the parents, who may be younger souls, raise them successfully?



Friday March 22nd


Workshop: Getting to Know your Spirit Guides: with Psychic Channel June Can

We all have Spirit Guides around us, and we can learn to know them and recognize their communication with us. It just takes practice.  In this workshop June will acquaint people with their Spirit Guides, and have people document this meeting in artwork, or journaling.  She will speak of the different modes of communication, and guide people through their first communications with their Spirit Guides. People will leave the workshop with a definite sense of a new relationship with a higher power guiding them in their lives. Workshop limited to 6 participants.





Monday, February 25, 2013

From Brain To Heart - next group channeling event

Dear All,

We had the first group channeling session on relationships last Friday and it was very helpful to those present. This Friday night at 7:30, I will be channeling again for a group about the changes we are all going through, living on the planet today. 

Here are the details:
March 1st, 2013- Friday night at 7:30pm

The Shift:: from Living from the Brain to our Living from the Heart: How can we live through this huge change successfully while many of strive to manifest our true life purpose?

After a meditation to get us all on the same page, I will channel, and after a refreshment  break, there will be time for questions. Price: $20.00
Please call 203 430 6386 to let me know you are coming. Thanks!

All Best,

Monday, January 28, 2013

For the love of Music

*Music is the international, universal, intergalactic, inter space language, allowing all creatures to respond to sound from the center of their being. It is a gift from God, posing the alternative way of communication when tongues fail to make understandable noises for foreign ears. Music will be used much in the future, to allow communication between different beings from different planets when they meet on the physical plane. Until then the energetic communication is adapted via the being's brain into a language he or she can understand, even though at the beginning it came from a foreign source. Another gift from God, the ability to interpret.
Time in these kinds of communications is irrelevant and information travels from brains to brains at incredible speeds. You can think somewhere and be there in a split second. This again was God allowing communication to happen when it can between two beings or more who are on the same love frequency and wave length.*